Reasons Vaginal Itch Happens


Reasons Vaginal Itch Happens Once You Don’t Have a Yeast Infection
When vaginal itch strikes, you’ll assume you have a yeast infection. But consider it before you dash to the shop for an over-the-counter antifungal remedy.

There are many other possible reasons for vaginal itch. If you treat the condition improperly, you’ll do more harm than good.

Occasional vaginal itching is common and sometimes resolves on its own. Persistent itching could also be a symbol of severe signs. Five possible reasons for vaginal itching aside from a yeast infection:

If you’ve recently changed bath soap and your vagina is itching, dermatitis could also be responsible. Dermatitis causes an itchy rash. It’s going to be caused by an allergy to an irritating substance, such as:

  • latex condoms
  • latex diaphragms
  • vaginal lubricants and spermicides
  • laundry detergent
  • tight clothing
  • scented toilet tissue
  • fabric softeners
  • tampons and sanitary pads
  • shampoos and body wash

Prolonged friction from riding a motorcycle, wearing tight clothes or underwear, and horseback riding can also cause dermatitis and vaginal itch.

It may be challenging to find the precise explanation for dermatitis; however, once the irritating offender is identified and eliminated, most get away independently.

To aid the healing process, try soaking during a lukewarm bath with a couple of tablespoons of bicarbonate or soda for up to fifteen minutes a couple of times daily. Severe cases of dermatitis may require treatment with a steroid prescription cream.

Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis may be a vaginal infection. It will be caused by douching or an overgrowth of harmful bacteria. Symptoms may include:

  • vaginal itch
  • thin white, grey, or green discharge
  • a foul, fishy vaginal odour
  • burning during urination

Lichen Sclerosis
If the vaginal itch is amid white spots on your vulvar area, you’ll have an uncommon condition called lichen sclerosis. The explanation for lichen sclerosis is unclear.

The first step of treatment for genital lichen sclerosus is typically corticosteroids. If that doesn’t work, immune-modulating drugs could also be prescribed. Untreated lichen sclerosus may cause vaginal scarring, blistering, painful sex, and vulvar cancer.

Hormone Changes
As you age, your estrogen levels decline. Low estrogen may cause the liner of your vagina to thin and cause itching and irritation. Nursing also causes estrogen levels to drop. Symptoms should resolve once you stop breastfeeding and estrogen levels increase again.

Pubic Lice
These tiny, crab-like creatures cause intense itching within the vaginal and pubic areas. They typically attach to a bush. They’ll also link to other body areas covered in coarse hair.

Pubic lice are often treated with an over-the-counter lice-killing lotion. Severe cases may require a topical prescription medication.

Don’t assume vaginal itch may be a yeast infection. It may be, but treating yeast infections that don’t exist may make diagnosing the critical reason for vaginal irritation harder. It also further upsets your vagina’s vital balance of organisms.

You can keep your vagina in good health by:

  • not using douches
  • washing the world a minimum of once daily with unscented, plain soap or maybe just water
  • not using scented care products in your vaginal area
  • not using perfumed feminine hygiene sprays and deodorants
  • practising sexual activity by employing a condom whenever you’ve got intercourse
  • wiping from front to back after using the toilet
  • getting regular gynaecological checkups

Vaginal itch is tough to ignore. But if possible, fight the desire to scratch. Scratching sensitive vaginal tissues may intensify the irritation and cause infection.

Suppose the itching continues after using an over-the-counter yeast infection remedy. You should also see a doctor. Unless you’re positive you’ve got a yeast infection, see your doctor or gynaecologist for a correct diagnosis if you’ve got a persistent vaginal itch.

vaginal itch, yeast infection, vaginal health, dermatitis, bacterial vaginosis, lichen sclerosis, hormone changes, pubic lice, vaginal irritation, vaginal care, vaginal hygiene, feminine hygiene, itching remedies, gynecological health, estrogen decline, vaginal infection, vaginal itching causes, vaginal discharge, intimate care, gynaecologist advice

Vaginal itching doesn’t always indicate a yeast infection. Learn about other potential causes like dermatitis, bacterial vaginosis, hormone changes, lichen sclerosis, and pubic lice, as well as treatment options and tips for prevention.

Meta Description:
Discover why vaginal itching isn’t always a yeast infection, exploring causes like dermatitis, bacterial vaginosis, and pubic lice, along with prevention and treatment tips.

Vaginal itching causes and remedies


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