
The Science Behind Ear Candling: Does it Really Work?

What Is Ear Candling?

Yes, earwax is gross. But do you have to stick a candle to your ear to hinder it?

Lots of people say yes. They claim it can eliminate various issues, including ear ringing and wax accumulation. It has even been reported that the aid of the candles in cancer treatment. They assert that it appears almost too good to be true.

That’s because it’s. Ear candling has no scientific backing. A study has never supported any claims about how well it might work.

What’s the Claim?

Purchase the candles, which are fabric cones soaked in paraffin or wax. They may cost a couple of dollars each and measure around 10 inches in length. Stick the candle in a hole you made on a plate. It prevents candle ash and wax from landing on your face.

Lie on your side. Place the candle in your auditory meatus. Get someone you trust to light the other end. Let it burn for about a quarter-hour. You are repeated with the opposite ear.

Some claim that the candle’s low-level suction force pulls wax and other debris out of your ear as it burns. Others believe the candle’s heat softens and melts the wax, causing it to fall off over the next few days.

When you’re done, open the candle to look inside for all the wrong things, like bacteria, wax, and debris, from your ear.

Additionally, there have been reports of pierced eardrums following the candling process. Clearing the auditory meatus, they say, will clean out the remainder of the pathways and leave you with a clean head.

What Are the Facts?

It seems like a peaceful thanks to get healthy, but the thought of a maze of connected pathways in your head may be a myth. There are solid barriers, just like the eardrum, that stop this from happening.

Other claims are timely too. Earwax is sticky, especially when it is hard and tightly packed together. To pull it out, you’d need strong suction. However, one study found that candling did not produce any suction. The candle’s temperatures were far too low to melt the wax, below human body heat.

When studied, it was revealed that the contents were a mix of burned candle wax and fabric. The debris inside burned candles is meant to be the impurities far away from your ear. Still, it appears within the candles, albeit they haven’t been near an auditory meatus.

Is It Safe?

Ear candling can be bad at its best because it removes wax. It has the potential to harm your ears at its worst seriously. Carrying a lit candle in your face poses a risk as well. The flame or the melted wax could burn you.

Candle wax may even drip into your auditory meatus, clog the passage, and cause you to lose your hearing for a short time. Additionally, there have been reports of pierced eardrums following the candling process.

The FDA doesn’t approve ear candles for any medical use. It sent warnings to manufacturers and stopped the import of candles.

How am I able to Remove Wax Safely?

Earwax removal may be a delicate process. You’ve got to take care. Try over-the-counter ear drops. Or drip a couple of drops of water or peroxide down your auditory meatus. Let it be in the wax for a couple of minutes, then activate your side to let the liquid and wax slide out.

Don’t stick objects in your ear to prevent wax buildup. It will push the gunk deeper into your ear, which makes the matter worse.

Save the candles for your cake.


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